Our main goal is to protect the health of our patients, our team, and our community. We appreciate your patience and understanding as our response to COVID 19 evolves, and various protocols are updated.

We are open for routine cleanings and examinations, orthodontic appointments, and most other dental procedures and surgeries. We continue to adhere to safety protocols that have been implemented in our office since the covid-19 outbreak began.

Implemented Safety Measures

  • We schedule patients on a more limited basis allowing more time for proper disinfection and sterilization and more physical separation and social distancing between patients.
  • Our staff will continue to wear extra PPE (personal protective equipment), including gloves, masks, protective surgical gowns, face shields, hair caps, and shoe coverings.
  • All clinical areas, rooms, and surfaces will be thoroughly disinfected and sanitized, and ample time will be allowed between patients to ensure areas and surfaces are clean.

  • What to Expect When You Arrive
    1. Upon arrival at our office, remain in your car in the parking lot and call to check-in. We will call you to come in when your room is ready. If new or updated paperwork is necessary, we will bring it to you to complete your car.
    2. All patients are screened for recent fever, cough, previous exposure to or infection with covid-19, or recent travel.
    3. Once seated, patients will be required to rinse with a peroxide mouthwash for 60 seconds.

    Other Guidelines

    Non-patient Guests – To minimize the number of occupants within the office, all non-patient visitors and guests should remain at home or in your vehicle.

    Exceptions: a parent may be present for their child’s appointment, and a spouse, partner, or loved one may be present during a consultation, treatment plan presentation, and/or financial planning.

    We will continue to evaluate this situation daily and will make changes to protocols and patient scheduling as needed.


    Your Health is Our Main Goal :)

    Visit with peace of mind, we have taken the proper precautions so you can come in, and we can take care of you.
    Schedule Consultation